5 Cool Things You Can Do With Smart Lights

5 Cool Things You Can Do With Smart Lights

You don’t have to be an engineer to understand how smart lights work. However, a creative mind is required if you want to make the most out of it. So, depending on your setup of the bulb and its switch either normal or smart, you can give your room a new look. Wondering how?
Here are all the details that you need to know before you start using them for general lightening. But first, download the relevant application to begin the fun process. Once you are done, follow through this guide.

1.   Tighten Your Home Security

 Tighten Your Home Security

 Do you know you the smart lights can work as a home security agent when connected to any motion or voice detector? It catches even the slightest of moments/voices and changes its colours upon detection. This way you know who is entering or leaving your home. You can also use the vacation mode if you are going away for some time. Since the house would be empty, smart lights can turn on and off themselves depicting as if people are living inside. All this can be done by using the app.

2.    Know When the Door Is Locked

Know When the Door Is Locked
One of the most stomach-wrenching thoughts is when you realist you didn’t lock the door behind, but when you check, they are locked. Presently, with smart lights, you don’t need to worry about this anymore. If you have bought the smart light chances are you have invested in smart doors as well. In case you haven’t, buy them today. They are not too expensive and works well with smart lights. You can place the light outside the door and set colors to change when the door is locked/unlocked. Hence, this is one of the ways you can connect your smart bulbs with other appliances.

3.    Know When the Smoke Goes Off

Know When the Smoke Goes Off

You only hear the smoke alarm when you are directly underneath it or within a specific dimension. Otherwise, you cannot guess whether the other side of the house is burning down or is it just your thoughts. Here, the smart lights are of great help. Some of the companies make such smart lights that turn bright red when smoke is detected. This way, your illusions or thoughts of foul smoke or gases don’t get the best out of you.

4.    Brighten Up Your Shelves and Cupboards

Brighten Up Your Shelves and Cupboards
Let’s accept, every house has that one cupboard or shelf in a dark corner of the house where no light reaches and it stays vacant. But with time, you need to look up for things inside and when you turn on the light, it needs to be switched off manually. So, to save yourself from the struggle, place a smart light at the edge of the room/space. Connect it with the detectors that enable it to switch on as you enter and switch off as you leave. This way you can save more energy and every corner of your house stays illuminated.

5.    Indicate Bedtime for Kids

Indicate Bedtime for Kids
Making kids go to bed is one tough job that every parent has to go through each night. However, what parents can’t do without hassling, technology can. If set properly, these smart lights tend to function according to the daylight. You can place it next to your child’s bed and let the lights do the trick. The changing colors of the smart determine that its bedtime for them so they have to roll up and sleep. Experts say the light’s color plays an important role in children’s sleeping cycle. So, why not experiment today?

6.    Get Call Notifications

Get Call Notifications

Most of the time, an important call is missed just because you were away. Well, not anymore. The smart lights can notify you when your phone is ringing by either flashing or turning into a dark color. You can even assign different colors to your contacts who connect with you frequently. After this, whether you are engrossed in searching for top online essay help on the internet or busy listening to songs, you won’t miss a call again. However, this option is only available for Android user as iOS doesn’t support this feature yet.  

Final Words

If you still haven’t invested in home automation, it is the right time to do so. Because not only it gives you peace of mind but works as a form of therapy as well. Its vibrant colours make the interior look comfortable yet energetic. The grab? These smart lights are available in surprisingly affordable rates. They are easy to use and can be kept anywhere. So, let your imagination run wild and choose any of the tricks mentioned above to make your life if not a sci-fi movie but close to it.